
"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

[John Wooden]


Barbara started her career racing small boats at the age of 12 and attained success in a variety of classes at a national level. In 1984, when she was 16, Barbara took up windsurfing as a "fun way to see the world." In her youth, she'd been a keen dancer, but sailing occupied much of her time so dancing was put on the back burner.
Windsurfing didn't become an Olympic Sport for women till 1992 so in 1987, Barbara decided to join the professional windsurfing circuit, finishing eighth in her first year. She was fourth in 1989 and improved to second in 1990.
In the early 1990s windsurfing, and especially women's windsurfing, was very much a minor sport in most New Zealanders' eyes. Kendall changed all that in 1992 when she burst into national prominence by winning the gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. It was New Zealand's only gold medal of those Games and she was the first New Zealand woman to win an Olympic gold medal since Yvette Williams 40 years earlier.
Amazingly, she had suffered a broken wrist earlier that year and had almost given away hopes of achieving her child hood dream of going to an Olympics. Fortunately, the Olympic trials were delayed, giving her time to recover and prepare herself. Her success at this games, she attributes to the coaching from her Brother Bruce who had won an Olympic Bronze Medal in Windsurfing in 1984 and a Gold Medal in 1988. "Sailing with the best in the world everyday fast tracks you to the top."

Bruce Kendall 1991 - 1992
Grant Beck 1992 - 2000
Shayne Bright 1996 - 2008
Janice Mclennan 1995 - 2008

Fun Facts;
Born in Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand in 1967 to Tony and Peggy Kendall.
Brother, Bruce Kendall won bronze 1984 Olympics, Gold 1988 Olympics
Sister, Wendy Kendall placed 13th at Windsurfing World Championships in 1988 then ran away to dance in a circus.
Barbara is New Zealand Olympian no 631

First Female Olympic Champion in Windsurfing - Barcelona 1992
New Zealand's First female Olympic Team Flag Bearer and captain -1996 Atlanta
First New Zealand woman to have competed at 5 consecutive Olympics 1992 - 2008
First New Zealand woman to have won medals at 3 consecutive Olympics
Runner up in Dancing with the stars 2009

Married Shayne Bright in 1993

Barbara's 2 Daughters Represented New Zealand in their sports, Waterpolo World Championships and Windfoiling World Championships 2023


1992 Barcelona 
Gold Medal (Lechner Women)

1996 Atlanta 
​Silver Medal (Mistral Women

2000 Sydney 
Bronze Medal (Mistral Women)

2004 Athens
Fifth (Mistral Women)

2008 Beijing 
Sixth (RS:X Women)


2008 RS:X World Championship
New Zealand – Silver Medal

2007 RS:X World Championship Portugal – Silver Medal

2004 Mistral World Championship Turkey – Silver Medal

2003 Mistral World Championship
Spain – Silver Medal

2002 Mistral World Championship
Thailand – Gold Medal

1999 Mistral World Championship
Noumea – Gold Medal

1998 Mistral World Championship France – Gold Medal

1997 Mistral World Championship
Australia – Bronze Medal

1990 World Professional Windsurfing World tour – Silver Medal

1987 Production World Champion Sweden – Gold Medal

1985 Woman’s World Championship
La Rochelle – Bronze Medal


2024 Awarded Olympian for Life by the World Olympians Association  in advocating for athletes for 19 years. 


2021 Inducted into World Windsurfing Hall of Fame

2019 Companion of the New Zealand Order of merit. (CNZM)

2017 New Zealand Olympic Order Holder

2014 Sport New Zealand Leadership award

2014 Inducted into New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame

2012 Olympic Windsurfing Coach, Australia

2010 YNZ life Member

2007 Inducted into World Sailing Hall of Fame

2002, 1999, 1998, 1996 New Zealand Sports Woman of the Year 

1998, 1992 New Zealand Sailor of the Year
1992 Awarded Member of British Empire (MBE)

1990 Queens Commemorative medal

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